IHS reduces the stress and increases the likelihood of success with your accreditation.
Gap Analysis
Our experts review every standard with your staff to ensure requirements are clearly understood. In detail we outline documents required by the accreditation organization, and share the results in a clear report your team can use to develop the required documents for accreditors.
Request for Information
If the accreditation organization gives you feedback, like URAC's Request for Information, our experts will help you respond to that feedback.
Project Management Technology
Our Goldfinch Accreditation Management System provides a secure environment for you and your team to access standards, interpretive information, and training videos, and work through the accreditation process with clarity and ease.
Mock Desktop Review
Before the accreditation organization sees your documents, our experienced team will go over them with a fine tooth comb to make sure they meet all requirements. We'll even score your document submission using the same scoring system the accreditors use
Mock Validation Review
Our senior consultants conduct a validation review exactly as reviewers will, and take extra time to teach your staff how to better answer reviewers' questions.
When we're done, you'll have a comprehensive, standard-by-standard report, scored exactly as the accreditation organization would, with detailed feedback to improve your staff's performance during the validation review.
Policy Templates and Preparation
For many of the standards, the accreditation organization will require compliant policies. We provide our clients with dozens of policy templates to meet the accreditor's needs, and offer our help in creating or revising policies.